From time to time we could all use a helping hand.
Top Questions
What can I expect from a Reiki session?
In-person session: At the start of the session we'll take the time to review your goals for the session. After the intake is complete, you'll lie down fully-clothed on a body work table*. I will move my hands in a series of positions (either hands-on or hands-off) to deliver Reiki energy to the front of your body, the head, and the back of your body. I offer Reiki sessions for either 60 or 90 minutes.
*If you are not able to lie on the table or have limited mobility, accommodations can be made so that you are comfortable.Remote session: Reiki has the amazing ability to move through space and time, which allows you to have a session from the safety and comfort of your own home (or office)! We will decide which technology works best for your appointment (phone call, Zoom, Facetime, etc.) and then we will review your goals for the session. After the intake is complete, we will begin the session. I suggest you lie in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. I offer distance Reiki sessions for either 60 or 90 minutes.
Pet session: Just like their humans, pets have the option of receiving reiki in-person or remotely*. We will discuss some of your pet's history and goals for the session. Just like humans, pets can benefit from reiki sessions for their mental or emotional wellness.
*Reiki sessions for cats are only offered remotely.
What does Reiki feel like?
Reiki tends to feel warm and deeply relaxing. Reiki treatment is unique for each individual who receives it and can vary from session to session. You may notice that my hands feel hot, cold, or tingly.
Some people describe a floating sensation and some have visuals during the session. Some people fall asleep, whereas others may experience an emotional release.
What are the benefits of several sessions?
Just like exercise or meditation, the effects of Reiki are cumulative. While one session can work wonders, regular Reiki treatments can nurture your own body's well-being in many ways.
Who can receive Reiki?
Adults of all ages, children, babies, and pets can receive reiki. Reiki can be delivered in a seated position or while you are lying down.
Minors (under 18) must have a parent or guardian present for the entirety of the session.
What is your lineage? What does "sixth generation Reiki Master" mean?
I belong to the Usui Shiki Rhyoho lineage which began with Mikao Usui. Usui trained Reiki Master Teacher (RMT) Dr. Chujiro Hayashi who later trained Hawayo Takata, RMT. Takata is accredited with bringing Reiki to the West and trained twenty-two Reiki Master Teachers, including John Harvey Gray. John Harvey Gray taught Reiki throughout the US and established Reiki in New England. John Harvey Gray, the longest practicing Reiki Master Teacher in the West, trained Reiki Master Teacher and sole lineage bearer Lourdes Gray. I studied with Lourdes Gray at the John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing as a Reiki Master.
"Sixth generation" refers to the sixth position that I hold in the Usui Shiki Ryoho lineage: Mikao Usui, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata, John Harvey Gray, Lourdes Gray, Allison Slavinskas.
What is your cancellation policy?
Please arrive on time, as you use up your own time when you arrive late for an appointment. Late cancellation (less than 24 hours before) and/or no-show appointments are charged the full amount of the session you have booked. In the case of illness or emergency, please notify me as soon as you can.
Are you offering in-person sessions?
At this time only remote sessions are available.
Do you accept insurance?
I do not accept insurance. You may, however, be able to use your flex spending account (FSA). Please check with the administrator of your flex account to validate whether Reiki expenses are eligible for reimbursement.